Monday 13 May 2013

Ateco 8788 12-Compartment Decorating Tube Storage Box

Best offer for Ateco 8788 12-Compartment Decorating Tube Storage Box is now alive. This best item is now available, you could buy it right now for just $0.00 and often ships within 24 hours.

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Item Description

No more searching through drawers to find the right decorating tube. Use Ateco's 12-Compartment Decorating Tube Storage Box to keep your loose tubes and couplers organized and protected. The box is constructed of durable, translucent plastic. This size box works especially well for larger tubes. Since 1905, Ateco has supplied fine restaurants and bakeries with quality built, specialty baking tools. Ateco products are internationally renowned for their high quality. When you use Ateco products, you're not only enjoying quality craftsmanship, you're also enjoying quality design, the products are a result of over one hundred years and four generations of innovation and development.


  • Plastic storage box for decorating tubes and couplers
  • Protect and organize your pastry decorating tubes and couplers
  • This style works well for larger tubes
  • 12 compartments
  • By Ateco, professional quality and quality design since 1905

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