Monday 15 April 2013

Ateco Pastry Tube - Star - Size 8

Get the best deal for Ateco Pastry Tube - Star - Size 8 is now hitting the market. This awesome Ateco Pastry Tube is now on sale, you could purchase it now for only $0.00 and usually ships in 24 hours.

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Buy Ateco Pastry Tube - Star - Size 8 best price. Deals available for you on Ateco Pastry Tube at Discounted prices. Get for lowest prices.

Item Information

For piping pastry dough, cookie dough, mashed potatoes, meringues, and whipping cream. Open star opening, size 8.
Size: #8
Dimensions: opening: 5/8"Dia
Materials: Seamless stainless steel
Care: Dishwasher safe
Product of South Korea

Factor Benefits

  • For piping pastry dough, cookie dough, mashed potatoes, meringues, and whipping cream. Open st...
  • Sold individually
  • Size: #8
  • Dimensions: opening: 5/8"Dia

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Lookup: Pastry Tube Star, Ateco Pastry Tube, Ateco Pastry Star, Ateco Tube Star

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