Best deal for PME 20 Piece Icing Tube Boxed Set is becoming hot. This cool item is currently on sale, you may buy it now for just
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Get PME 20 Piece Icing Tube Boxed Set deal. Deals available for you on PME Piece Icing at Best prices. Search for lowest deals.
Item Information
This is a 20-piece PME Supatube decorating tip set containing one each of the following: 00, 0, 1.5, 2, 3, (all for writing) 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, (all star) 20B (medium basket weave), 32R (medium ribbon), 42, 43, 44, (all rope) 50, 51, (both leaf) 57R, 58R (right-handed petal)
Factor Benefits
- Made in England
- Seamless stainless steel
- Set of 20
- Please see Product Description for complete list of included tips
Good Product
Katherine Minton
Katherine Minton
The tips do make a difference when piping intricate work. With seamless tips you do not have breakage of your fine strands.
J. Miller
J. Miller
Hands down, these are the best professional grade piping tips. Well worth the cost, as they are seamless and the icing will never twist or curl due to manufacturing differences. Absolutely LOVE them.
Rating: 5 2 reviews
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