Best deal for Choco-Pan Rolled Fondant - Bright White - White Chocolate - 4 lb is now alive. This cool Choco-Pan Rolled Fondant is now on sale, you can purchase it right now for just
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Buy Choco-Pan Rolled Fondant - Bright White - White Chocolate - 4 lb best price. Deals available for you on Choco-Pan Rolled Fondant at Discounted prices. Get for lowest deals.
Item Description
This ultra-premium rolled fondant is made with high quality white chocolate and delivers a superior taste and texture along with increased yield.�The fondant is smooth and pliable and ready to roll and shape. It covers cakes with a perfectly smooth iced surface and is also easy to shape into beautiful borders, flowers, leaves, and other decorations. Roll out by hand using a rolling pin or extrude through pasta forming equipment. The fondant may also be used as a modelling paste to create decorative pieces.
One year shelf life when tightly sealed in plastic. May be refrigerated or frozen; return to room temperature prior to kneading or rolling. If softened in the microwave, use the lowest power level.
4 pound/1.8 kilogram container
Size: 4 lb
Colour/Pattern: White chocolate flavour; bright white colour
Product of United States
Ingredients: Sugar, white chocolate (contains sugar, partially hydrogenated palm kernel oil, nonfat milk powder, soy lecithin, monoglycerides, artificial flavour & colour), corn syrup, vegetable shortening, water, titanium dioxide, potassium sorbate
Allergens: Produced in a nut-free facility
Kosher dairy
- This ultra-premium rolled fondant is made with high quality white chocolate and delivers a supe...
- 4 pound/1.8 kilogram container
- Size: 4 lb
- Colour/Pattern: White chocolate flavour; bright white colour
User Reviews
Clara's mom
Clara's mom
Tasty fondant. SUPER easy to work with (and I didnt have ANY experience, it was my first cake covered with fondant). Fast delivery, no complains. The only thing to complain is that there was no expiration date in the package.
Rating: 4 1 reviews
Tags: Choco-Pan Rolled Fondant, Rolled Fondant Bright
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