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Get Wilton 710-2231 Fondant Icing Writer, Violet best price. Best deal is presented for you on Wilton Fondant Icing at Discounted prices. Search for lowest deals.
Item Information
Squeeze on colorful accents-flowers, swirls, messages and more-with this ready-to-use icing. It's easy to control for precise decorating: Just squeeze the bottle and icing flows easily from the built-in round tip. Trace imprinted shapes made with Cut-Outs or draw dazzling freehand designs. Dries to a smooth, satin finish.
Strong Feat
- Includes a 3-ounce bottle of Fondant Icing
- Dries to a smooth, satin finish
- Easy to control for precise decorating: Just squeeze the bottle and icing flows easily from the built-in round tip
- Trace imprinted shapes made with Cut-Outs or draw dazzling freehand designs
- Certified Kosher
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Key: Wilton Fondant Icing
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