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Order Ateco #701 Cake Decorating Set lowest price. lowest price is presented for you on Ateco Cake Decorating at Best prices. Find for lowest deals.
Item Information
This 7-piece set includes 6 metal tips and 1 syringe and can be used to decorate cakes, cookies, and pastries.
Factor Benefits
- Tips included: 4, 48, 16, 104, 32, 352
- Set contains decorating gun with coupler and 6 decorating nozzles (nozzles include shapes for roses, shells, leaves, stars, scrolls and lettering)
- Barrel is 4" long, 1.5" diameter
- All metal parts are rust-proof. Ateco decorating tips are made with extreme accuracy, handle with care to keep from bending tips
- Made in the U.S.A.
I have used Ateco before and do love their products, but I do want to say that I was surprised when the item arrived. Amazon showed the picture of a box, which is what my mother had. But the "newer" product does not come in the box but instead comes in a plastic case. It is still the same great product but I just wanted to give a warning first. That box must be from the 70's when my mother purchased it.The Ateco tube is wonderful for decorating cakes. If I used a bag, the warmth of my hands would make the frosting "runny" and I would have to put it in the fridge to get it to harden. With the tube you don't have to worry about that. Plus, when I used bags they would always leak. The tube never leaks.
S. Bryan
This is the same type of decorator I learned on in college cake decorating class. I like this style of decorator. Easier for me than using the bags, I guess if I had a complaint, it would be wish it could hold more icing.
This decorator will hold less than half a tub of frosting, so I don't know what kind of miniature cake they are showing it next to. I can't imagine what a pain it will be to reload such a narrow tube. Also, it is NOT the product shown!!!! The one you will receive has less sturdy looking plastic rings and comes in an ugly clear plastic disposable quality clamshell case. I could have bought the same thing at Walmart or Michael's crafts, but it does look like it will do the job and be a fair value. My 10 year old was happy to receive it (though not as thrilled as she would have been with a nicer box) and is looking forward to using it to decorate.
Rating: 3.5 10 reviews
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