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Get Wilton Decorating Petal Icing Tip #97 top item. Best deal available for you on Wilton Decorating Icing at Best prices. Find for lowest deals.
Item Info
Presenting the best quality tips on the market, used by decorators throughout the world. Wilton tips are made to hold their shapes and create precise decorations year after years. Rust-proof tips and dishwasher safe tips are tested for consistent performance in the Wilton Test Kitchen All tips work with standard bags and coupler, unless otherwise indicated
Strong Feat
- Wilton Decorating Petal Icing Tip #97
- Realistic flower petals, dramatic ruffles, drapes, swags and bows.
- WIL 402-97
- QTY.1
Customer Opinions
Real English roses
Just completed the Wilton cake decorating classes, learned from my instructor about this tip (#97). It makes the wavy, irregular outer edges of the buttercream rose petals look just like English or victorian roses. Tried it with peach coloured icing, fine results.
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Tags: Wilton Decorating Icing, Decorating Petal Icing, Wilton Decorating Petal, Wilton Petal Icing
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