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Get Tupperware Squeeze It Cake Decorator top item. Top deals is presented for you on Tupperware Cake Decorator at Best prices. Search for best deals.
Product Info
Tupperware Squeeze It Cake Decorator. Gourmet decorating ball, add fillings, stuff eggs, decorate cakes, cookies, and pastries. Includes 5 easily interchangeable decorating nozzles - fine threads, closed star, open star, shell and filler. Large opening makes it easy to fill; easy to assemble and disassemble. Spill-proof and doesn't leak, even with mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.
- Decorate Cakes, add fillings, stuff eggs
- Includes 5 easily interchangeable decorating nozzles - fine threads, closed star, open star, shell and filler
- Nozzles conveniently store inside decorating ball when not in use
- Large opening makes it easy to fill; easy to assemble and disassemble
- Spill-proof and doesn't leak, even with mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.
Customer Reviews
Janice A. King
Janice A. King
Love this gadget. Makes deviled eggs look great and my favorite is to use it to fill cupcake (mini) tin. No mess on tin!!!!
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Key: Squeeze Cake Decorator, Tupperware Cake Decorator, Tupperware Squeeze Decorator
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