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Product Description
Frost-Eaze is a four-piece frosting decorator set which includes an easy to squeeze plastic bottle and three assorted stainless steel frosting tips including a Star Tip, Round Tip and Ribbon Tip. The collapsible body makes squeezing the frosting from the bottle quick, easy and effective. Spark creativity in the kitchen and get your kids involved too – especially because creating the cutest cupcakes and cookies is now so easy.
Strong Feat
- Spark creativity in the kitchen
- Easy for kids to use
- Make great looking cookies and cupcakes
- Makes frosting easy
- 4-Piece set includes squeeze bottle and 3 tips
User Reviews
This is very small so I use it for decorating colors that require very little frosting or detail work like writing (top accepts all of the tips I've tries so far).Mouth is narrow so load your frosting in to a zip lock, snip the tip of the bag and squeeze in.Be sure to soak it as soon as you're done or you'll be cleaning it forever.Price is a rip-off but the use paid off.
Zara's Mama
I bought this "frost-ease decorator" because I plan on making cupcakes for Halloween and would like to decorate them. However, its name is misleading, as it is not very easy to use. It is difficult load it with frosting through the small hole (without melting the frosting first). It is also not very easy to squeeze (very resistant). I got a frosting pen since this did not work out well. It was a bit more, but definitely worth it since it was so much easier to use. I will probably never use this one again.
J. Weber
An inexpensive way to decorate with a professional flair. The last of the frosting comes out with the squeezing action of the ridged bottle. Cleans easily in soapy water.
Rating: 3.8 4 reviews
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