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Buy Wilton Dusting Pouches deal. lowest price available for you on Dusting Pouches at Best prices. Find for lowest deals.
Item Description
Wilton dusting pouches, essential for rolling out gum paste or fondant!
Factor Benefits
- Essential for rolling out gum paste or fondant
- Fabric puch dusts surfaces with a cornstartch/confectioners' sugar mixture to prevent rolling pin from sticking
- Gathering cord closes bag securely-just tap lightly on the pouch to sprinkle
Customer Opinions
This is an absolute must have product when making the fondant/gumpaste flowers. I have to buy more because my dogs ate my last two... have to remember to keep them up!
I'm new to fondant cake decorating & thought I'd give these a try for dusting. I had to wrap the top of this pouch pretty tight to keep the excess from falling out whenever i tapped it on my work surface. I think the drawstring could be improved, but overall, happy with it. I also had to cut the string it was so long, but it did the job
Rating: 4.5 2 reviews
Lookup: Dusting Pouches, Wilton Dusting, Wilton Pouches
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