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Get Wilton Decorating Ruffle Icing Tip #86 best deal. Best deal is presented for you on Decorating Ruffle Icing at Lowest prices. Find for lowest prices.
Product Information
Presenting the best quality tips on the market, used by decorators throughout the world. Wilton tips are made to hold their shapes and create precise decorations year after years. Rust-proof tips and dishwasher safe tips are tested for consistent performance in the Wilton Test Kitchen All tips work with standard bags and coupler, unless otherwise indicated
- Wilton Decorating Ruffle Icing Tip #86
- Plain, fluted, shell-border, special effects.
- WIL 402-86
- QTY.1
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Key: Wilton Decorating Icing, Decorating Ruffle Icing, Wilton Decorating Ruffle, Wilton Ruffle Icing
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