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Purchase Large Cake Decorating Tip Coupler best deal. Deals available for you on Large Cake Decorating Tip Coupler at Lowest prices. Search for lowest prices.
Item Information
Large Coupler. White plastic coupler specifically for use with large decorating and filling tips. This package contains one coupler base and one ring.
- W4111006
- 070896040060
- Brand New Item / Unopened Product
- Wilton
User Opinions
S. Rowe
May use tips that are no larger than 1 1/4" at the base - any larger tip will not fit. Also, it is pictured, at time of purchase, as having two different couplers, when it only ships with one.
A. Gilchrist
I purchased a deluxe Wilton set (baked goods decorating tips) recently and found out I needed a large tip coupler for the bigger tips in my set. It fit perfectly so I was very pleased! I wish the Wilton set came with the large coupler to begin with.
B. Kennel
I ordered this LARGE tip coupler and a package of LARGE tips and it fit all but 2 of the LARGE tips. If it's going to claim to be a LARGE tip coupler I would think it would fit all the LARGE tips that came in the same package, so I've got to find an EXTRA large tip coupler to fit my apparently EXTRA large 2 tips.
Rating: 4.2 16 reviews
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