On sale now for Wilton 2104-2546 53 Piece Supreme Cake Decorating Set is becoming hot. This best Wilton 53 Piece is currently available, you might buy it this moment for only
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Get Wilton 2104-2546 53 Piece Supreme Cake Decorating Set best deal. Top deals is presented for you on Wilton 53 Piece at Lowest prices. Find for best deals.
Product Information
If you've dreamed of becoming a cake decorator extraordinaire, this decorating set from Wilton has everything you need to get started. Learn how to make icing leaves, roses, stars, ribbons, and basket-weave designs with the 18 different metal decorating tips. Those perfect icing roses everyone is always so eager to pluck off the cake are easily fashioned with the help of the 1-1/4-inch flower nail, and the angled metal spatula is just right for creating smoothly iced surfaces. The set includes 12 disposable plastic icing bags, five jars of icing colors, and two quick-change tip couplers that allow you to use several tips with the same bag of icing. Most importantly, Wilton provides an easy-to-follow instruction booklet that clearly illustrates all the basic techniques, as well as some more elaborate ones--15 different imaginative cake designs are explained in detail. Also included are several cake and icing recipes. --Marianne Painter
- Complete tool set for frosting and decorating cakes
- 53-piece set includes tips, icing bags, metal flower nail, and two tip couplers
- Storage tray and 8-inch angled spatula included
- 36-page instruction booklet illustrates icing techniques and designs for 15 cakes
- Clean metal tips with warm water and soap, dry with cloth
User Opinions
Toni R. Pendley
I have two daughters who are interested in decorating cakes. This is priced right for the beginner to get all she or he needs to get started. I learned how to decorate cakes 18 years ago and still use my original tips. They must last forever! This is a wide selection of tips that will allow you to make many designs, practically any that you can think of!
I just purchased this set last weekend, and this weekend I used it to make a birthday cake. I loved all the tips and the booklet has great ideas and clear instructions. Also, the food coloring colored the frosting beautifully.
Nirmala Mohabir
I love this set- it's perfect for beginners who wants to start decorating their kids cakes, etc. I got it real cheap as well- under $20.00 with no shipping charges since I bought more items with the "save shipping charges" on them. Wilton makes great products and I'm glad I got my beginner's set from them through Amazon. Thanks Nerry
Rating: 4.6 72 reviews
Tags: Wilton 53 Piece
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