Get the best deal for Wilton Icing Decorations - Gingerbread Boy - Mini is now available. This awesome product is now available, you could buy it now for just
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Get Wilton Icing Decorations - Gingerbread Boy - Mini deal. Best deal is presented for you on Icing Decorations Gingerbread at Lowest prices. Find for best prices.
Product Info
Ready-made edible sugar decorations can be used to instantly add a festive touch to cupcakes, cakes, ice cream, crisped rice cereal treats, and more.
Pack of 24 mini gingerbread boys (1"H)
Colour/Pattern: Gingerbread brown
Allergens: Made in a facility that also processes soy and wheat products
- Ready-made edible sugar decorations can be used to instantly add a festive touch to cupcakes, c...
- Pack of 24 mini gingerbread boys (1"H)
- Colour/Pattern: Gingerbread brown
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Tags: Wilton Icing Decorations, Icing Decorations Gingerbread, Wilton Decorations Gingerbread, Wilton Icing Gingerbread
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