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Buy Wilton Pre-Cut Icing Flower Making Wax Paper Squares best price. Top deals available for you on Wilton Icing Flower at Lowest prices. Get for lowest deals.
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Use these small wax paper squares for a variety of cake decorating projects, including icing flowers. No more cutting! Perfectly sized waxed paper squares attach to your flower nail with a dot of icing for easy piping and transfer of flowers. Save work and get a fresh flat surface every time. This package contains (50) 1-3/4" x 1-3/4" pre-cut squares.
- Perfectly sized waxed paper squares attach to your flower nail with a dot of icing for easy pip...
- Pack of 50
I recently bought three packages of these squares for a flower making project. I made some roses out of buttercream and removed them with flower lifters within an hour or so and they worked fine. It was a different story with Royal Icing which is the primary medium I currently use for flower making. As you know, Royal icing flowers must dry at least 24 hours before you can remove the paper. I had flowers large and small so I waited three days for them all to dry. When I tried to remove the smaller flowers like violets, the center of the flower stuck to the paper and broke away from the outer petals. The larger roses and primroses ended up with the paper stuck to them and I couldn't peel it off. I went back and talked to my Wilton Instructor, taking samples with me. She confirmed the problem seems to be in the paper which has been recently redesigned by Wilton. She said a number of her current students who used the squares on Royal Icing flowers had problems with breakage or paper left on the flowers. I went back to cutting out my own flower squares using a roll of parchment paper. To speed up the process I use a yard stick for measuring and one of those gift wrap cutters from Scotch brand. The other up side to cutting your own is the cost. I got the Wilton squares at my local craft store for $1.99 per 50. I can cut hundreds of two inch squares from a $4 roll of parchment paper.
The Wilton paper squares are definitely a luxury item but they make transporting the delicate rose from the nail head to a plate so the rose can harden a bit in the refrigerator before placing it on the cake. Worth the moeny for a good looking flower.WILTON WAXED PAPER SQUARES - 50PK 414-920
Rating: 2.5 2 reviews
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